Parameter restriction families in mrf2d


The model used in mrf2d is very flexible, but many simpler and popular models of the Markov Random Field literature can be written as particular cases. It considers the probability function: where ζθ is the normalizing constant and is a set of relative positions (mrfi objects). The probability function of many other models like the Ising model and the Potts model can be written by adding constraints to the array θa, b, r.

Important tasks like extracting sufficient statistics and estimating the parameters θa, b, r must be able to reflect the parameter restrictions required by those less general models. Functions which result is affected by those restrictions take a family argument which determines what kind of restriction is considered. 5 families are available in mrf2d and this short article describes each them.


A single parameter for all different-valued pairs in all interacting positions.


fit_pl(field1, mrfi(1), family = "onepar")
#> Model fitted via Pseudolikelihood 
#> 2 interacting positions: (1,0) (0,1) 
#> family: onepar


One parameter for all different-valued pairs for each interacting position.


fit_pl(field1, mrfi(1), family = "oneeach")
#> Model fitted via Pseudolikelihood 
#> 2 interacting positions: (1,0) (0,1) 
#> family: oneeach


One parameter for each absolute difference of interacting pairs d = |b − a| in each relative position.


fit_pl(field1, mrfi(1), family = "absdif")
#> Model fitted via Pseudolikelihood 
#> 2 interacting positions: (1,0) (0,1) 
#> family: absdif


One parameter for each difference of interacting pairs d = b − a in each relative position.


fit_pl(field1, mrfi(1), family = "dif")
#> Model fitted via Pseudolikelihood 
#> 2 interacting positions: (1,0) (0,1) 
#> family: dif


Only the identifiability restriction θ0, 0, r = 0 for all r ∈ ℛ.


fit_pl(field1, mrfi(1), family = "free")
#> Model fitted via Pseudolikelihood 
#> 2 interacting positions: (1,0) (0,1) 
#> family: free